Level 1 Climbing Coach

Level 1 Climbing Coach

This award is suitable for climbing wall staff, club volunteer, indoor and outdoor instructors and parents of young climbers.

This award covers the core elements of efficient climbing movement and the Level 1 Climbing Coach will be able to encourage, enthuse and offer advice to climbers.

Useful Resources          Overview of Award             PROVIDERS                Handbook

Getting Started

Before registration, candidates must be able to answer yes to the following questions:

• Are you at least 18 years old?

• Are you a member of Mountaineering Ireland?

• Do you hold either a Rock Climbing Instructor (Formerly SPA) or a Climbing Wall Instructor (Formerly CWA)?

• Have you at least one year’s post RCI/(SPA)/CWI/(CWA) experience?

• Have you completed both FUNdamentals 1&2?

• Do you lead climb consistently at grade French 6a?

• Do you have experience of climbing coaching? 

Registration and Logbook 

If you can meet all of the above requirements, here's what to do next:

  • Register for the Level 1 Climbing Coach scheme (this costs €71)

This logbook is a vital link between the candidate, Mountaineering Ireland, and the training provider and gives a clear record of candidates’ coaching experience and activity, their fulfilment of the requirements of the scheme, and course attendance.

The logbook must be kept up-to-date for training and assessment courses where it will be reviewed and completed by the trainer or assessor.

Once you have registered and received your log book, you can book a training course directly with one our approved providers


Level 1 Climbing Coach Award training courses are held over a minimum of 2 days (16 hours) and is a mixture of lectures/discussions and practical sessions.

  • Be a current member of a Mountaineering Council: Mountaineering Ireland, Mountaineering Scotland or the British Mountaineering Council. €35 for training candidates.

Topics covered on the Level 1 Climbing Coach Award training syllabus will include: 

  • The Role of a Coach, 
  • The Coaching Cycle, 
  • Responsibilities of the Coach, 
  • Practical Skills, 
  • Lifestyle, 
  • Long Term Athlete Development, 
  • Conditioning for Climbing. 

The ratio for training is a maximum of one instructor to six candidates


Between training and assessment, candidates are required to complete and log the following:

• Observe a Level 1 (or higher coach) at two organised training sessions in any sporting discipline.

Candidates must complete a report on the observation.

• Observe a Level 1 Climbing Coach or equivalent coach that is acceptable to Mountaineering Ireland, at two organised sessions.

Candidates must complete a report on the observation.

• Run a programme of 6 progressive sessions, coaching climbing to the same group of 1-4 people and provide evidence of the session plans

• Run 6 separate coaching climbing sessions for a group of 1-4 people and provide evidence of the session plans

• Personal lead climbing: ten or more routes at French 6a or above.

• Complete the ‘Real Winner’ on-line anti-doping programme. The certificate of completion must be presented at the assessment.

• Log book- The candidates log book must be submitted to the assessor at least 4 weeks before the assessment.

• Case Study- Complete a series of 6 session plans for a given case study. This will be supplied at least one month before the assessment and must be returned to the assessor at least two weeks before the assessment.


Prior to assessment, candidates are required to:

  •  submit their log book and home paper (research topic into an aspect of coaching)
  •  complete a practical element (planning and delivering 2 x 60m minute coaching climbing session, 1 with students familiar to the candidate and the other with unfamiliar students).
  • Be a current member of a Mountaineering Council: Mountaineering Ireland, Mountaineering Scotland or the British Mountaineering Council. €35 for training candidates.

The ratio is 1 instructor to 2 candidates for Level 1 Climbing Coach Award Assessment

Visit the course calendar to see when the next assessment is running and contact the provider directly to book on to the assessment.

Before assessment, candidates must also;

  •  attend a first aid course (minimum of 16 hours) 
  •  a child protection course (either Children in Sport Awareness Workshop (Code of Ethics) – Irish Sports Council or Safeguarding Young People in Sport – Sport NI)


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