Training Meets & Events

International Meets

The benefits of international meets are varied. It can often be difficult to find partners for climbing, alpinism, ski mountaineering, sport climbing, hut to hut trekking, winter mountaineering & ice climbing. These areas of special interest benefit from an organised gathering in an alpine or winter venue. They establish a regular place to meet others with folk often just meeting in Scotland or the Alps but not in Ireland.

  • Annual Summer Alpine Meet 
    The alpine meet moves from alpine region to alpine region, calling to France, Italy, Switzerland & Austria. Based in a valley campsite close to the mountains, this meet provides activities for all ages, families, clubs and individuals. The areas are selected to cater to; climbers, trekkers, boulders, alpinists, cyclists, runners, botanists and geologists. Something for everyone. 
    The Youth component of the this meet is also connected as a UIAA Youth Event. To facilitate this we encourage attendance by 18-26 year old youth members.  
    You can access the Alpine Meet;
    Gear List here!
    Booking Form here!
    Information Pack here!

    Alpine Meeting Information Video

  • Annual Winter Meet
    There is nothing quite like Scotland in the winter, the short days, wet snow, cold conditions, wind chill and gruelling days. This challenging environment provides a unique experience to learn the mountaineering skills for survival and adventure. Subsidised places for Youth (18-26). 
  • Please join the Winter Meet Information Evening
    7pm 24th October, email: for details.
Winter Meet Information Video
Winter Meet 2025 
Information Pack here.

Winter Meet 2025 Booking Form here.

Events : Skills Workshops

These multifaceted 1 day workshops cater to a variety of audiences;

  • new & improver skills learners,
  • training provider Continued Professional Development (CPD),
  • mentor training

The 1 day courses have three activity options;

  • Rock Climbing Skills
  • Scrambling Skills
  • Teaching Navigation

They run on two weekends per year in May and September with the three courses repeating on each day of the weekend. The May course venue is Wicklow and the September course venue is Kerry.

Cost €55 pp per day

Please contact the training office for details.

Events : Club Training Officer Workshops

Club Training Officers Meetings are there to support the provision of training within our clubs. These workshops can be short and online or weekend face to face events. The events  provide an opportunity to; meet other Club Training Officers, share ideas, issues & solutions, find out about available resources, grants and other training opportunities.

  • There are youth supports, 
  • Women in sport funding for training,
  • Training Pathways
  • Personal skills training
  • Leadership training

A. The online sessions are free and the session was on 30th October at 6.15pm-7.30pm.Up to three people can register from each club, including your Club Training Officer. 

Missed it? Please click for meeting video (Note: Min 23 for presentation, Minute 42 for youth pathway.)

B. Club Training Officer Face to Face (Date & cost to be confirmed.)
One weekends per year will run in various locations around the island of Ireland and will  involve practical sessions for Climbing, Mountaineering & Hillwalking Clubs.

Please contact the training office for details.

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