Safeguarding Policies and Procedures
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Safeguarding Policies and Procedures

The following are the requirements we expect all our clubs to have in place to ensure they are compliant with the Children’s First legislation, guidance and affiliation requirements for Mountaineering Ireland.

They are:

  • Club affiliated to Mountaineering Ireland.
  • Club Risk Assessment.
  • Child Safeguarding Statement (visible at your venue).
  • Child Safeguarding Policy/Framework.
  • Designated Liaison Person (DLP).
  • Club Children’s Officer (CCO).
  • Deputy DLP.
  • A procedure for reporting of child protection concerns.
  • Garda Vetting or Access NI requirements.
  • Advice and procedures for child safeguarding training.
  • Codes of Conduct (volunteers, parents, coaches, children).
  • A safe recruitment procedure.
  • A procedure for allegations of abuse of children by staff/volunteers.
  • A procedure to effectively deal with bullying.
  • Procedures to ensure inclusion of all children.
  • Consultation and participation processes with children and young people.

Our Child Safeguarding Framework is a summary of the policies, procedures and best practice guidelines listed below, for protecting children and young people’s welfare. This document applies to anyone working on behalf of Mountaineering Ireland, including all board members, managerial roles, employees, affiliated bodies, committee members, volunteers, independent contractors, and service providers.

Club policies and procedures:

  1. Vetting Policy and Procedures
  2. Recognising and Reporting Child Abuse Policy
  3. Safeguarding Roles and Responsibilities
  4. Safeguarding Training Policy
  5. Safer Recruitment Policy
  6. Club Poor Practice and Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure
  7. Anti-Bullying Policy
  8. Wellbeing and Mental Health Policy
  9. Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy
  10. Social Media Policy
  11. Filming and Photography Policy
  12. Supervision Policy
  13. Travel, Hosting and Away Trips Policy
  14. Missing or Found Child Policy
  15. Physical Contact Policy
  16. Safe Use of Changing Facilities Policy
  17. Club Inclusion Policy