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Get Ireland Walking

Get Ireland Walking is a national initiative of Sport Ireland, supported by Healthy Ireland and hosted by Mountaineering Ireland.

We work to promote a vibrant culture of walking for everyone in Ireland by maximising the number of people participating in walking – for health, wellbeing and fitness throughout Ireland.

Our main walking programmes and partner resources are: Active Community Walking Programmes in partnership with Local Sports Partnerships, a walking toolkit for Men’s Sheds, in partnership with Irish Men’s Shed Association, Woodlands for Health, a nature-based intervention programme focused on green exercise in a forest setting, in partnership with Coillte, Mental Health Ireland, GoGreenRoutes and Maynooth University and the Active School Walkway with Active School Flag.

For communities we have the facility to register a walking group with us and be covered by insurance and walkers can find a walking group across the country as well as resources to encourage walking like our app and podcast.