Flora, Fauna, Geology
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Flora, Fauna & Geology

Geology is literally the basis of our hillwalking, climbing and mountaineering activities. The variety of rock types that make up the island of Ireland has provided us with a diverse landscape. This bedrock geology has been sculpted by the abrasive action of glaciers to create the ridges, peaks, cliffs and valleys that inspire our mountain adventures.

The landscapes we journey through, including the wildflowers we see and the wildlife we might glimpse, all add to the enjoyment we get from our time hillwalking, climbing and mountaineering. The bogs, hills, mountains, cliffs and coastal areas we visit are home to some special species, many of which have adapted to survive in harsh weather and poor soils.

Learning a little more about geology, flora and fauna helps us connect with nature, and provides information that we can share with others. Mountaineering Ireland has produced some publications to help with this process. 

A limited supply of hard copies of these publications is available from the Mountaineering Ireland office, email [email protected].

Publications & Resources

From Rocks to Ridges – the formation of the mountain landscapes of the north of Ireland

Walking with Wildlife – An insight into key flora and fauna of Northern Ireland’s uplands

Walking with Wildlife – an insight into the animals, plants and habitats of the Comeragh Mountains


This presentation by Peter Wilson looks at how glaciers were powerful agents in shaping Ireland’s mountain landscapes, creating many of the dramatic landforms that can be seen on mountain walks.

Watch on YouTube here.

After the Ice

In this talk, Peter Wilson deals with the natural landscape changes that have occurred in the mountains since the ice disappeared about 12,000 years ago, and some of the other features that give Ireland’s mountains their distinctive characteristics.

Watch on YouTube here.