Rock Climbing (Third Edition)

Rock Climbing (Third Edition)
Our Price: €28.00
*Member Price: €23.00

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Libby Peter

Thoroughly updated to reflect developments in climbing since the second edition, the indoor climbing content has been expanded and several chapters have been rewritten and reordered to support new and developing climbers alike. Its functional design remains, with easy-reference colour-coded pages, striking illustrations that complement the text and inspiring photos that give a genuine flavour of the breadth of climbing possibilities across the UK and Ireland. It is the second of a series of manuals from Mountain Training UK and Ireland that includes the highly successful ‘Hill Walking’ and ‘Winter Skills’.

Written by one of the best known rock climbing instructors in the UK this is the definitive and comprehensive ‘how to climb’ textbook (55,000 copies sold), now in its revised and updated third edition. It covers un-roped bouldering and movement skills as well as every aspect of indoor, single and multi-pitch rock climbing, abseiling, problem solving, the climbing environment, the history and development of the sport and much more.

This book is a reference tool for every climber, from novice to expert, as well as containing specific ideas for anyone wanting to help coach and instruct others. It is the official handbook for the UK and Ireland qualification system that includes all of Mountain Training’s qualifications as well as their Rock Skills courses. It is endorsed by the BMC, Mountaineering Scotland and Mountaineering Ireland.

Libby Peter is a well known and well respected International Mountain Guide and Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor. She has visited many of the major climbing areas across the world, sampling all aspects of climbing from bouldering to high altitude mountaineering and everything in between. She currently combines climbing with freelance guiding and instructing from her base in North Wales alongside providing technical support to Mountain Training UK and Ireland.

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