Climber Development Pathway Unveiled

16 January 2025

The Climber Development Pathway sets out a clear strategy to maximise the potential of Irish climbers at all levels and across the country.

Mountaineering Ireland aims to offer appropriate, positive and rewarding experiences to every climber in every club and training environment so they may reach their full potential. We aim to get more climbers to major championships and to improve the quality of coaching at every level. 


The pathway identifies the starting point as clubs moving climbers through to Regional Academies, the National Youth Squad, The National Youth Team and the National Senior Team. The Regional Academy programme is the only new addition to the pathway with the programmes at National Youth Squad and higher benefiting from recent work on syllabuses, curriculums and additional resources.


The Climber Development Pathway has been developed over the last six months through consultation with those involved in the development of climbing at all levels and research on the pathways of other countries and other sports. The final phase of this work will take place at Ceangal Coaching Conference where coaches from across the country are invited to dive into the pathway, its philosophy and plans in greater detail and, importantly, bring their own insight from their coaching environments and contribute to the development of the plan and associated curriculums.


The session on the Climber Development Pathway – ‘An evolving future for Irish Competition Climbing’ will be led by Performance Lead, Jackie Newton, and supported by Lucy Mitchell. Boulder World Belfast and Tobias Preisler, Mountaineering Ireland Head Coach. A group of expert Coach Developers will then take us through a session on ‘Progressive Curriculum Development’ where we will collaborate on determining the content and coaching methods each of us need to play our part to reach our vision and goals.


The Climber Development Pathway can be found here:


Sign up for the conference and help us develop this further here:


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