Summer Alpine Meet 2025

05 July 2025

Mountaineering Ireland's Summer Alpine Meet 5th - 19th July 2025

The location for the Mountaineering Ireland Summer Alpine Meet this year is Argentière, Chamonix, France. This region is perfectly suited to trekking, hiking, climbing and mountaineering, as well as many other outdoor activities.

This Meet is for walkers, rock climbers, and mountaineers of all ages and abilities. It is a wonderful opportunity for all Mountaineering Ireland members, new and old to meet established friends and make new ones, go walking, mountaineering and climbing in some of France’s most beautiful scenery. The purpose is to gather like-minded people together in an alpine area where they can walk, rock climb, boulder and climb snow covered and rocky alpine peaks. The main emphasis of the meet is to have fun!

Closing date for booking is 30th April 2025.

There is a 10% reduction on some courses booked before 30th March 2025. 

There is a 10% reduction on some youth (age 18 - 26) courses booked before 30th April 2025.

For further information and to help you decide which course is right for you, please see the Alpine Meet 2025 Information Pack on our website. You can also find a recording of our information evening, a gear list and a booking form here. Please remember not to book flights or accommodation until your course is confirmed. If you are having any difficulty deciding on the course for you, or if you require any further information or advice, please contact the training administrator or training officer Jane on .

When you are ready to book, please fill out and return this Alpine Meet Booking Form


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