Skills Workshops

25 May 2024

The first Mountaineering Ireland Skills Workshops of the year take place on May 25th and 26th 2024 in Wicklow.

The skills workshops are organised by Mountaineering Ireland’s Training Officer and delivered by qualified trainers. 

The Workshops are open to anyone who is a Mountaineering Ireland member. They are designed to upskill individuals, club members, trainers, award trainees and providers.  Each workshop provides mentoring opportunities for experienced trainers and meets CPD requirements for providers & the relevant award holders.

The one day courses on offer cover

  • Teaching Navigation.
  • Scrambling Skills
  • Rock Climbing Skills 

All workshops will be dictated by weather conditions but we intend to cover the following topics in the different courses:

Teaching Navigation Skills Workshop:

Teaching skills

  • Simplifying our knowledge to teach beginners
  • What makes a good location
  • Choosing a suitable point to navigate to
  • Being concise and focused when teaching beginners 
  • Useful exercises to use while teaching

Skills to learn

  • Self location skills
  • Land reading
  • Some tools for timing and pacing
  • Route choice
  • Features

Scrambling Skills Workshop:

  • Un-roped movement on steep ground
  • Roped movement on steep ground
  • Techniques used in involving others in scrambling activities
  • Passing on skills & knowledge to peers or others in your club

Climbing Skills Workshop:

  • Rope work for climbing
  • Belaying and lowering
  • Bouldering and movement skills
  • Techniques used in involving others in climbing activities
  • Passing on skills knowledge to peers or others in your club

Cost is €60 per course.

To book a place fill in the booking form and return via email to

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